Hello(Hola) From the USA!

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Hello(Hola) From the USA!

Mensaje por Sloth »

American fan from North Carolina USA!

And yes I was a fan before Yunus lol. Been one since 2015! Found a Valencia shirt at a local thrift store and then I started actually watching the club and have been a fan since. Also am a teacher and a professional scuba diver. :hola:

I cannot read or write Spanish all that well so am using Google Translate. But if I need to translate my posts into English before posting I can no problem,

American Fan!

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Re: Hello(Hola) From the USA!

Mensaje por abraxas »

Some of us here, including me, can speak English. We'll manage. Enjoy our forum!
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Re: Hello(Hola) From the USA!

Mensaje por Eärendil »

I can speak english, too.

Anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.
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Re: Hello(Hola) From the USA!

Mensaje por Sr_Munny »

Another English speaker here.

Welcome ;)
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Re: Hello(Hola) From the USA!

Mensaje por Faaswilkes »


Enviado desde mi iPad utilizando Tapatalk
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Re: Hello(Hola) From the USA!

Mensaje por Puçolenk »

Welcome, glad to see fans from abroad!
Uno de los mayores actos de clemencia de Dios es que nos tiene en perpetua ignorancia de nuestro destino. Philip K. Dick
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Re: Hello(Hola) From the USA!

Mensaje por tonino »

Hello tron. This is your home.

Toma ya !!
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Re: Hello(Hola) From the USA!

Mensaje por Rainhof »

Hi Sloth, welcome

Enviado desde mi M2101K7AG mediante Tapatalk

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Re: Hello(Hola) From the USA!

Mensaje por CHEJOV »

Welcome to Foro man.